Table of Contents

For every $1 invested in Google Ads, B2B companies generate an average of $2. 

When B2B marketers master this enigmatic channel, they have the chance to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI) and drive revenue with every click. 

But when marketers fail to properly implement and track B2B PPC efforts, they squander a channel that’s rife with potential. 

If you’re scouring the internet to find out if B2B PPC is the right fit for your company and how you can execute it properly, your search ends here. 

We’ve put together the Ultimate Playbook for B2B Companies, a blueprint that will help you determine if PPC is right for your company and provide structure for how to implement the channel properly, and most importantly, profitably! 

Read on for answers to all your PPC questions so you can start promoting brand awareness, generating leads, and increasing sales in no time. 

I. The Basics: What is B2B PPC? 

PPC, or pay-per-click, is a form of digital advertising in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads.  The cost of each click can vary depending on the keyword's competitiveness and the advertiser's bidding strategy.  

This auction-based system usually has competitors bidding for specific keywords, and the bids and cost-per-click (CPC) depend on ad and landing page quality. 

PPC campaigns can be an effective way for businesses to reach their target audience, drive website traffic, and increase conversions, and can be broken down into three main categories: search ads, display ads, and paid social ads. 

1. What are Search Ads? 

When you type a keyword into a search engine like Google, such as “red boots,” the first 3-5 entries on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) are likely going to appear as “sponsored.” Those are paid search ads, also known as search engine ads.  

Search ads work on the PPC model, meaning advertisers only pay when users click on their ad. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their products or services, and the search engine's ad platform determines which ads to display based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, landing page quality, and relevance to the user's search query. 

When a user enters a search term, the search engine's algorithm analyzes the advertisers' bids and relevance to determine the best ads to display. The displayed ads typically consist of a headline, a short description, and a link to the advertiser's website. 

The goal of search ads is to attract users who are actively searching for specific products, services, or information and guide them to the advertiser's website or landing page, where they’ll take a desired action, such as downloading an asset or requesting a demo. 




2. What are Display Ads? 

Adobe banners (1)When you’re scrolling on a website and see ads somewhere on the page in the form of banners, videos, or graphics, those are display ads 

Display ads appear on websites, apps, or social media platforms in various formats, such as banners, images, videos, or interactive media. Unlike search ads that appear in search engine results, display ads are typically shown on websites or apps that have advertising space available. 

Display ads aim to capture users' attention and create brand awareness, promote products or services, drive website traffic, or generate leads. They should be visually appealing and incorporate compelling imagery, video footage, or messaging to attract viewers. 

The placement of display ads can be determined in a few different ways. One standard method is contextual targeting, where ads are displayed on websites or apps with content related to the advertiser's target audience or keywords. For example, a sports brand may display ads on websites focusing on sports news or fitness. 

Another method is audience targeting, where ads are shown to users based on their demographics, firmographics, interests, online behavior, or previous interactions. This approach allows advertisers to reach specific segments of the audience who are more likely to be interested in their products or services. 

Display ads can be managed through large ad exchanges, which include Google and LinkedIn, or negotiated on a smaller scale with individual advertising publishers. 

Image Source: Geomares Marketing



3. What Are Paid Social Ads?

As you scroll through your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok feed, you will encounter paid social ads. Also known as social media advertising, businesses pay to display these ads on various social media platforms.

Paid social ads appear within users' social media feeds alongside organic content and are designed to reach a targeted audience and achieve specific marketing objectives, whether that’s an e-book download, webinar registration, a product demo, or a different action. 

Most mainstream social media platforms offer their own advertising tools and formats, allowing businesses to create ads in the form of images, videos, carousels, or sponsored content. Platforms also provide advanced targeting options, enabling advertisers to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviors, or locations.  

Advertisers can define their target audience based on various parameters such as age, gender, location, language, interests, job titles, and more. This precise targeting helps businesses ensure their ads are shown to the most relevant audience and that they’re making the most of their ad budget.

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Source: KoMarketing


II. The Role PPC Plays in B2B Marketing 

PPC agencySo, now we’ve covered the three types of PPC ads, but why should B2B companies consider PPC as a marketing channel?  

The average business-to-business (B2B) sale cycle requires 8 touchpoints and involves 3+ people on the buyer's side. It can often take 3, 6, or even 12 months to close a B2B deal. 

PPC allows you to create that first touchpoint, generate additional touchpoints throughout the sales cycle, and reach out to additional people at companies you're already talking to


With PPC, B2B companies can generate new touchpoints at every stage of the funnel:

  • Top of the Funnel (TOFU): Generate new leads from companies they haven’t engaged with at all. TOFU ads also drive new impressions and traffic. 
  • Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): Stay top-of-mind for leads by creating new touchpoints that convey competence and omnipresence, spur serious consideration, emphasize credibility, and involve more company stakeholders in decision-making. 
  • Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): Accelerate sales decisions, drive conversions, and convince key stakeholders that they need to purchase a product or service. 


Why Use PPC in B2B? 

In addition to generating critical touchpoints, incorporating PPC in your B2B marketing strategy comes with a slew of benefits, including: 

  1. Targeted Audience Reach: PPC allows B2B businesses to target specific industries, job titles, locations, or other relevant criteria. This targeting capability ensures that ads are displayed to a relevant and qualified audience, increasing the chances of reaching decision-makers, influencers, and potential customers. 

  2. B2B PPC Lead Generation: PPC campaigns can be designed to capture leads directly. By creating compelling ad copy, using strong calls-to-action, and directing users to dedicated landing pages, B2B companies can encourage users to provide their contact information or engage in desired actions. This helps build a pipeline of potential leads for further nurturing and conversion. 

  3. Brand Awareness and Visibility: PPC ads can significantly enhance brand visibility among B2B audiences. Even if users don't immediately convert into leads or customers, exposure to your brand through repeated ad impressions can create brand awareness and recognition. Plus, using multiple marketing channels simultaneously increases exposure, so when decision-making processes occur, your brand has a better chance of standing out due to its prior exposure. 

  4. Testing: PPC allows for extensive A/B testing because, unlike with SEO, there’s no risk of messing efforts up long-term and iterations are easy to track precisely. Google offers 50/50 A/B testing to guarantee equal traffic, so testing messaging, colors, landing pages, CTAs, and everything else is simple to execute and understand test results. 

  5. Product and Service Promotion: With PPC campaigns, B2B companies can showcase their products or services directly to their target audience. PPC ads can effectively promote offerings and attract potential customers actively seeking solutions by highlighting unique features, competitive advantages, or specific solutions to industry challenges. 

  6. Competitive Advantage: In the B2B landscape, competition can be fierce. PPC allows businesses to bid on relevant keywords and display ads above or alongside organic search results, gaining a competitive edge in search engine rankings. By outbidding competitors or targeting niche keywords, B2B businesses can ensure their ads are prominently displayed to potential customers. 

  7. Speed: PPC ads can be up and running fairly quickly, and analyzing impact and making optimizations can also happen in a timely manner. Unlike with SEO and other marketing channels, B2B companies don’t have to wait long to kick off PPC efforts. 

  8. Measurable Performance and ROI: PPC provides detailed metrics and analytics to evaluate campaign performance. B2B marketers can track key metrics such as conversion rates, return on investment (ROI), return on ad spend (ROAS), and cost per acquisition (CPA).  This data enables businesses to measure the ROI of their PPC campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and optimize strategies to achieve better results. 

  9. Flexibility and Scalability: PPC offers flexibility in terms of budget allocation, campaign duration, and ad testing. B2B businesses can start with small budgets and scale up as they see positive results. They can also experiment with different ad formats, messaging, and targeting strategies to optimize campaign performance and maximize their reach.  

    8. Protect Your Brand: B2B companies can protect their brand search by bidding on their own brand name, so competitors can’t own their brand keywords. This is beneficial for brand awareness. Google has some protection capabilities, so if your brand is mentioned in a competitor ad, the ad might be stopped. Still, competitors can mention your brand with a typo to work around Google’s rule, so bidding on your own brand is critical for preventing others from using it. Bottom line: when users search for your brand, you want to make sure you show up first the results. 
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III. How to Use PPC in B2B Marketing  

You can execute PPC in several ways in B2B marketing, but this four-step process is a tried-and-true method for implementing PPC successfully and driving real results. 

PPC Execution Step 1: Find Your Audience 

The first step in executing PPC for B2B is also the step that can make or break the success of a campaign: finding your target audience. 

The goal here is to find “hand raisers” using paid search. These are people actively looking for your products and services. You’ll need to conduct research to find the keywords people are searching for when looking for you and understand your audience.  

You’re essentially trying to get inside the brains of your audience. What are their corporate and personal pain points? What has prevented them from finding a solution? You'll want to develop a call-to-action (CTA) on your ads that directly addresses their questions and pain points. 

You’ll also want to talk to the right people at the right companies who don’t know that YOU are the solution they’ve been missing. Paid social leverages both demographic (age, job title, location) and firmographic (company size, industry, revenue) targeting, so you can reveal a specific pain point to an audience segment audience and tell them exactly how it can be solved. 

Lastly, after identifying your target audience, you must stay in front of them. Through remarketing/retargeting, you can remind prospects that the solution they showed interest in is ready when they are!  

PPC Execution Step 2: Run Campaigns Across the Funnel 

Not all stages of the funnel are created equal. Running different PPC ads for every stage of the funnel allows you to tailor your messaging, targeting, and calls-to-action to the specific needs and mindset of users at each step. Here’s an example of what your ad campaigns should look like at each stage: 

  • Top of the Funnel (TOFU): At the top of the funnel, users may be in the early research or awareness stage, seeking information or solutions. PPC ads targeting this stage should focus on creating brand awareness, providing educational content, and introducing your products or services. Use attention-grabbing headlines, informative ad copy, and compelling visuals to capture their interest and drive them to explore further. You can also offer downloadable assets like checklists, e-books, or white papers to engage cold TOFU audiences with valuable resources. 

  • Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): In the middle of the funnel, users have progressed beyond the initial awareness stage and are actively evaluating options. PPC ads for this stage should highlight the unique selling points, competitive advantages, and specific solutions your products or services offer. Provide compelling reasons why users should choose your offering over competitors. Use testimonials, case studies, or product/service comparisons to build credibility and trust. 

  • Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): At the bottom of the funnel, users are ready to make a decision and convert. PPC ads targeting this stage should focus on driving action and encouraging users to take the desired conversion steps, such as making a purchase, requesting a demo, or signing up for a trial. Use persuasive messaging, limited-time offers, clear CTAs, and value propositions to incentivize conversion. 

PPC Execution Step 3: Track Impact 

Now, it’s time to identify which channels and campaigns have significantly impacted your sales funnel and optimize from there. 

Running separate ads for each stage enables you to measure the performance and effectiveness of your PPC campaigns at different stages. By tracking metrics like cost per opportunity, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition at each stage, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize your ads and targeting strategies, and allocate your budget more efficiently. 

To track metrics effectively, you can use PPC analytics tools provided by the advertising platforms, such as Google Ads or social media ad platforms. Set up conversion tracking by implementing tracking pixels, tags, or conversion codes on your website or landing pages. Use UTM parameters in your ad URLs to track campaign performance in Google Analytics or other web analytics platforms. 

PPC Execution Step 4: Analyze, Optimize, and Repeat 

The final step for successfully executing PPC for B2B is to regularly analyze your metrics, identify trends or patterns, and make data-driven optimizations. Continuously test and refine your campaigns based on the insights gained from tracking metrics, helping you achieve better performance, increased ROI, and successful PPC outcomes! 

IV. PPC and Account-Based Marketing: The Perfect Pair 

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)? 

According to HubSpot, account-based marketing, or ABM, “ a focused growth strategy in which marketing and sales collaborate to create personalized buying experiences for a mutually identified set of high-value accounts.” 

In other words, marketers who practice ABM focus their resources on a set of target accounts within a market and use personalized messaging to engage each account based on their unique needs. 

To learn more about ABM, visit The Ultimate Guide to Account-Based Marketing. 

How Does ABM Relate to PPC? saas marketing

ABM is a powerful tool in any B2B marketer’s playbook. By focusing marketing dollars on their most important prospects, marketers can maximize return on ad spend (ROAS), increase sales velocity, and even increase average customer deal size. 

Leveraging account-based marketing helps you nurture high-value accounts through your sales funnel using a variety of channels. 

How to Execute PPC ABM for B2B 

Executing ABM for B2B requires similar steps to implementing general PPC, but you must take some extra actions to target your accounts strategically: 

  1. Identify Target Accounts: Start by identifying the target accounts you want to focus on in your ABM campaign. These are typically high-value accounts that align with your ideal customer profile. Consider company size, industry, revenue, and strategic fit. 

  2. Develop Account-Specific Strategies: For each target account, develop tailored strategies to engage and convert them. Understand their pain points, needs, and objectives. Create messaging and offers that resonate with their specific challenges and goals. 

  3. Create Account-Specific Landing Pages: Develop dedicated landing pages for each target account. These pages should be personalized and speak directly to the account's pain points, showcasing how your solution can address their needs. Customize the content, testimonials, case studies, and calls-to-action based on the account's requirements. 

  4. Utilize Custom Audiences: Leverage platforms like Google Ads' custom audience features to target your specific accounts. You can upload a list of the target accounts' domains and create a custom audience based on these domains. This allows you to deliver ads exclusively to employees within those accounts, maximizing relevance and impact. You can also use platforms like LinkedIn to identify job titles at target accounts, upload target email addresses, or both. 

  5. Implement Account-Based Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to reinforce your brand and message to individuals within the target accounts who have visited your website or engaged with your content. Use personalized ad creatives and offers tailored to each account to maintain their interest and nurture them further in the buying process. 

  6. Use Account-Based Display Campaigns: Develop display campaigns targeting your identified accounts. Utilize keywords, topics, or placements that align with the target accounts' interests or industry. Display ads can help raise brand awareness, provide thought leadership content, and keep your brand top-of-mind with decision-makers within the accounts. 

  7. Monitor and Optimize: As with all PPC campaigns, be sure to monitor the performance of your campaigns continuously. Track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per acquisition. Analyze the data to identify trends, insights, and areas for optimization. Refine your targeting, messaging, and offers based on the performance data to improve the effectiveness of your ABM campaigns. 

  8. Align with Sales and Marketing: Collaboration between sales and marketing teams is crucial for ABM's success. Align your PPC strategy with the sales team's efforts. Share insights, feedback, and performance data to refine targeting and messaging. Coordinate with sales to ensure a cohesive and personalized experience for target accounts throughout the buyer's journey. 

How Does LinkedIn Help with ABM? 

On the paid side, the most common incorporation of the ABM strategy is by using LinkedIn's demographic and firmographic targeting and their audience lists to stay in front of your ABM priorities 

Many customer relationship management (CRM) tools connect directly with LinkedIn, allowing you to generate audience lists in the CRM and pass them into LinkedIn, which lets you market to the exact prospects in your database. Even if you can't directly connect to your CRM, you can export contacts from your CRM and upload them as an audience in LinkedIn. 

You can also build cold audiences in LinkedIn, targeting specific job titles at the companies you want to engage, generating additional touchpoints, and even placing your content in front of new decision-makers. 

How Do I Use Google Ads in ABM? 

Google is also a potential ABM channel for B2B. With more companies using Google's office tools like Gmail, more people are logged into Google with their work email addresses. 

This allows you to use email address-based targeting in Google Ads, both on the display network and within Google search, as long as your audience list is large enough. 


V. What Happens When You Click on an Ad?  

So, someone clicked on your search, display, or social ad. Now what? Even though someone clicking on your ad is a desired action, in some ways, you’re just getting started. Here’s what you should focus on after the click

PPC Landing Pages 

When someone clicks on your ad, they should be directed to a landing page created for that specific campaign that follows conversion rate optimization (CRO) best practices. Those include: 

  • Relevant and Consistent Messaging: Ensure your landing page's hero section and content align closely with the ad copy users clicked on. Maintain a consistent message to avoid confusion and increase trust. 

  • Pro tip: Use smart content or DTR so that the landing page headline is the same as the ad keyword the user interacted with, leading to improved conversion rates. 

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Place a prominent and compelling CTA on your landing page. Make it clear what action you want visitors to take, such as "Buy Now," "Sign Up," or "Request a Quote." Use contrasting colors and persuasive language to draw attention to the CTA and stick to one CTA per landing page. 

  • Streamlined Design: Keep the design of your landing page clean, uncluttered, and focused on the main objective. Remove any distractions that might divert visitors from taking the desired action. Use white space strategically to improve readability. 

  • Mobile-Friendly Optimization: With a significant portion of PPC traffic coming from mobile devices, ensure your landing page is fully optimized for mobile. It should load quickly, be easy to navigate, and have a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. Remember to always test your page on mobile before launching a campaign. If the page looks bad on a mobile device, Google won’t show your ads as frequently.  

  • Persuasive Copy: Write compelling and benefit-driven copy that communicates the value proposition of your offer. Highlight the key benefits and address potential objections to encourage visitors to convert. Make use of bullet points and short paragraphs to increase readability. 

  • Trust Signals: Incorporate trust-building elements to increase credibility, such as customer testimonials, client logos, security badges, and reviews. Trust signals help alleviate concerns and enhance the confidence of visitors. 

  • Clear and Concise Form: If your landing page includes a form, keep it simple and only ask for essential information. Lengthy forms can discourage conversions. Minimize friction using smart form fields, auto-fill options, and clear error messages. 

  • Page Load Speed: Optimize your landing page for fast loading times. Visitors are more likely to abandon a page if it takes too long to load. Compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript, and use caching techniques to improve performance. 

  • A/B Testing: Continuously test different variations of your landing page to identify the elements that yield the best results. Experiment with different hero headlines, CTAs, colors, layouts, and content to optimize your conversion rates. Beware of testing too many things at once; narrowing your experimentation will help you truly understand what’s working and what isn’t. 

  • Conversion Tracking and Analysis: Set up conversion tracking using tools like Google Analytics to monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your landing page and maximize conversions. 

PPC Tracking 

Next, it’s all about tracking the effectiveness and progress of your ads and landing page. Installing a heat mapping tool like Lucky Orange is a great way to do this 

Heatmapping tools provide visual representations of how users interact with your landing pages. They show which areas of your page receive the most attention, where users click, scroll, or hover. Heatmaps help you identify user behavior patterns, optimize page layout, and make data-driven decisions to improve user experience and conversions. 

In addition to heat mapping, you should use Google Analytics or another program to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like conversion rate, time spent on a page, and bounce rate. Visit the B2B PPC: Measuring Success section for a deeper look at tracking performance. 

The CRM 

Once someone clicks on your ad and fills out a form, they’re now a contact in your CRM, and that’s where the magic happens. In the CRM, be sure to do the following: 

  • Email nurturing: Set new contacts to automatically enroll in nurturing email series depending on how they arrived in your database and what stage of the funnel they’re at. This might mean a welcome series, a MOFU email series, or a special BOFU offer. 

  • Lead scoring and lead qualification: Implement automatic lead scoring to assign contacts a numerical value. Once they reach a pre-determined score based on the action they’ve taken, they can be moved along to a sales-qualified lead, enrolled in a nurturing email series, or any number of conversion-optimized efforts. 

  • Assignment to proper sales reps: When it’s time for a lead to talk to sales, be sure that they’re assigned to the right sales representative, which can be done through automation. With a streamlined funnel in place, you can make sure your sales team is only having conversations with leads that are qualified and ready to convert. 

You can use your PPC reporting to gain direct visibility into what drove the conversion and use that information to optimize the path.  

VI. B2B vs. B2C PPC: What's the Difference? 

B2B isn’t the only commerce type that taps into the potential of PPC. Business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers also value PPC advertising as a channel, but they go about their campaigns a bit differently: 

  • Target Audience: B2B campaigns target businesses and professionals, while B2C campaigns target individual consumers. B2B PPC focuses on reaching decision-makers within organizations, while B2C PPC targets individuals who make purchasing decisions for personal use. 

  • Complexity and Sales Cycle: B2B purchases typically involve higher complexity and longer sales cycles than B2C, and ads might just be one touchpoint along that journey. B2C can focus on the highest volume at the least cost because having more bites at the apple can generate higher returns, while B2B often requires thorough research, multiple touchpoints, and stakeholder involvement before a purchase decision is made.
  • Ad Copy and Messaging: B2B ad copy emphasizes the value proposition, features, and benefits of the product or service for businesses. It may include technical details, case studies, and ROI-focused messaging. B2C ad copy tends to be more emotionally driven, highlighting product benefits, lifestyle enhancements, discounts, or limited time offers to appeal to individual consumers. 

  • Landing Page Optimization: B2B landing pages often provide in-depth information, whitepapers, demos, or free trials to cater to the research-oriented nature of B2B buyers. B2C landing pages typically focus on a streamlined user experience, persuasive visuals, clear calls-to-action, and easy purchasing options. 

  • Ad Platforms and Targeting: B2B campaigns often leverage professional platforms like LinkedIn Ads or industry-specific websites to target professionals based on job titles, company size, or industry. B2C campaigns primarily use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or TikTok Ads to reach broader consumer audiences based on demographics, interests, or behaviors. 

  • Quality vs. Quantity: For B2B, the focus should be on quality over quantity. B2B companies aren't selling a $20 shirt like B2C; they’re likely selling 5- and 6- figure deals and maximizing the time their best salespeople can spend on your most promising opportunities is key. B2B is usually about generating touch points and influencing people down their sales funnel, knowing that a lead in January may not close until June. In contrast, B2C is often looking to make a sale with every click, and programs that don't have an immediately measurable ROAS get cut.  



VII. B2B PPC: Measuring Success

PPC success can and should be measured at several levels to equip you to make data-driven decisions and drive revenue. You should track at least the following performance metrics: 

1. Conversion Rate & CPL 

 Starting at the channel level, you should look at your conversion rate and cost per lead (CPL) metrics as your leading indicators of success. If you know your lead-to-close rate, you should know how each channel performs against other marketing channels and if each channel is efficient (which isn’t the same as being effective!). 

It’s worth noting that the average CPL is often cheaper for TOFU campaigns than BOFU campaigns. In other words, you’re going to pay less for a lead that downloads a white paper than one that requests a demo. It’s also good to keep in mind that the average cost per demo request for B2B is $800, but this can vary based on vertical. 

2. Marketing Qualification 

 As leads start to move through the sales funnel, you'll want to know if the leads influenced by each channel are marketing-qualified. Are the leads coming from ads actually worth following up with? It doesn't matter if a channel generates leads incredibly cheaply if they end up being people you don't sell to.  

If you see a reasonable cost per lead, but a high cost per marketing-qualified lead, then your ads aren't being seen by the right people. Adjust your targeting, optimize your campaign, and continuously iterate because cheap leads you don't want to work aren't worth anything. 

3. Cost per Opportunity 

 As you go further down the funnel, you’ll want to measure the cost per opportunity created. If your paid programs are generating marketing-qualified leads, but those leads aren't becoming opportunities, your marketing and salespeople should sit down and talk about where the problem is. There may be a way to adjust the targeting or messaging to ensure that people who are more likely to be opportunities are those who engage with the ads. 

Don’t forget that there’s always a chance your sales team isn’t converting the leads. Work with them to identify how leads are being followed up on and if there’s room to improve that outreach. 

4. Customer Acquisition 

Finally, there's the customer acquisition cost. While closing deals lives more in sales’ court than marketing’s, at the end of the day, all marketing exists to generate business. Channels with high costs per lead or opportunity may turn out to be your best performer in terms of closing deals, which is the ultimate goal.  

Success at each stage gives you essential information about how your paid campaigns are performing, and adjusting the levers for each will help you maximize your closed new business. 

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VIII.  Working with a B2B PPC Agency 

What is a B2B PPC Agency? 

A B2B PPC agency is a company that specializes in managing and optimizing pay-per-click advertising campaigns for businesses targeting other businesses. B2B PPC agencies have expertise in creating and implementing PPC strategies on platforms like Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Bing Ads, and other relevant channels to generate leads and drive conversions for their B2B clients. 

You can hire specialized PPC agencies, including a B2B paid social agency, a B2B paid search agency, a LinkedIn B2B marketing agency, and more. 

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a B2B PPC Agency? 

When it comes to the financial costs of working with a B2B PPC agency, it can vary depending on several factors, including the scope and complexity of your campaigns, the agency's experience and reputation, and the level of service you require. Generally, B2B PPC agencies offer different pricing models, such as a monthly retainer fee, a percentage of ad spend, or a performance-based fee structure. The cost can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month, depending on your specific needs. 

Most companies spend between $300 and $100 million on B2B Google, LinkedIn, and other ads, and spend about 12%-30% of that (so, $350-$5,000) on the actual management of ads. You would expect to pay a B2B PPC company somewhere in that range. 

What are the Benefits of Working with a B2B PPC Agency? 

Working with a B2B PPC agency can provide several benefits for your business: 

  • Expertise and Experience: B2B PPC agencies specialize in running successful B2B campaigns and have a deep understanding of the strategies and tactics that work best in this space. They can leverage their knowledge and experience to optimize your campaigns and drive better results. 

  • Time and Resource Savings: Managing PPC campaigns can be time-consuming and requires ongoing monitoring, optimization, and analysis. By partnering with a B2B PPC agency, you can offload these tasks to professionals, allowing you to focus on other core aspects of your business. 

  • Targeted Audience Reach: B2B PPC agencies have the expertise to target specific industries, job titles, or geographical locations to reach your desired B2B audience effectively. They can help you identify the right keywords and create compelling ad copy to attract potential clients. 

  • Improved ROI: B2B PPC agencies work towards maximizing your return on investment (ROI) by constantly monitoring and optimizing your campaigns. They can help improve conversion rates, reduce costs, and increase overall campaign performance, ultimately leading to a higher ROI for your advertising spend. 

  • Measurable Results: PPC advertising provides detailed analytics and data on the performance of your campaigns. B2B PPC agencies can analyze this data and provide you with regular reports and insights, giving you a clear understanding of the impact and effectiveness of your advertising efforts. 

It's important to note that while working with a B2B PPC agency can offer numerous benefits, it's crucial to choose the right agency that aligns with your goals, understands your industry, and has a track record of delivering successful results. Conduct thorough research, ask for references, and evaluate different agencies before making a decision to ensure you find a suitable partner for your B2B PPC strategy needs. 

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IX.  PPC KPI Glossary 

Before jumping into your next PPC campaign, check out these key terms you should know (and visit our Growth Marketing Glossary for even more must-know definitions). 

Cost per Click 

Cost per Click (CPC) is a metric used to measure the cost incurred each time a user clicks on an ad. It represents the amount the advertiser pays to the advertising platform or publisher for each click received. 

CPC is determined through an auction-based bidding system, where advertisers compete for ad placements by setting their maximum bid for specific keywords or placements. Factors like the competition level, ad quality, and relevancy, among others, influence the actual CPC. 

CPC is an essential metric for advertisers as it helps determine the cost-effectiveness of their campaigns. By monitoring the CPC, advertisers can assess the cost they incur to drive traffic to their website or landing page. Lower CPC values indicate more efficient spending and better return on investment (ROI), while higher CPC values may require optimization to improve campaign performance. 

Cost per Conversion/Lead 

Cost per lead (CPL) or cost per conversion is a metric used to measure the average cost incurred for generating a lead or achieving a desired conversion action. It is the amount the advertiser spends to acquire each lead or conversion. 

CPL = Total advertising spend ÷ Number of attracted leads


CPL is calculated by dividing the total advertising cost by the number of leads or conversions generated within a specific period. The definition of a conversion varies depending on the campaign objectives, such as form submissions, sign-ups, purchases, or something else. 

CPL is an important metric for marketers and advertisers as it helps determine the efficiency and profitability of their lead generation or conversion-focused campaigns. By tracking and analyzing CPL, advertisers can evaluate the cost-effectiveness of their marketing initiatives and make informed decisions about budget allocation and campaign optimization. 

ROI (return on investment) 

Return on Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to assess the profitability and efficiency of a marketing campaign. It measures the return or gain generated from an investment (such as an ad campaign budget) relative to its cost, expressed as a percentage or ratio. 

ROI = Profit ÷ Cost of Investment x 100  

Profit = Current value – Cost of Investment

ROI is calculated by subtracting the initial cost of the investment (which might include the amount you pay your B2B PPC agency) from the total gain or profit generated and dividing it by the initial cost. The resulting value is then multiplied by 100 to obtain the ROI percentage. 

ROI is a vital metric for businesses as it helps evaluate the success and profitability of PPC advertising. A positive ROI indicates that the return or profit from the investment exceeds the initial cost, making it a profitable venture and easier to prove worth to key stakeholders. A negative ROI means the investment has not generated enough returns to cover the cost, resulting in a loss. 

ROAS (return on ad spend) 

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) measures the effectiveness and profitability of advertising campaigns. ROAS quantifies the revenue generated for each unit of advertising expenditure, indicating the return on investment in advertising. 

ROAS = Revenue generated from ads ÷ Advertising cost x 100 

ROAS is calculated by dividing the revenue generated from advertising by the advertising cost. The resulting value represents the revenue earned for every dollar or unit of currency spent on advertising. 

ROAS provides insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of advertising campaigns by evaluating the revenue generated in relation to the advertising investment. A higher ROAS indicates that the advertising campaign has generated more revenue relative to the advertising costs, signifying a more profitable endeavor. 

Cost per Qualified Lead 

Cost per Qualified (CPQ) measures the average cost of acquiring a qualified lead or prospect. It is the amount the advertiser spends to generate a lead that meets specific criteria or qualification standards. 

CPQ = Total advertising cost ÷ Number of leads generated

CPQ is calculated by dividing the total advertising cost by the number of qualified leads generated within a given timeframe. The qualification criteria may vary based on the campaign objectives and the business's specific requirements, such as demographic factors, specific behaviors, or other qualifying attributes. 

CPQ is a valuable metric for marketers as it provides insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of lead generation efforts. By tracking and analyzing CPQ, advertisers can evaluate the cost-effectiveness of their marketing initiatives in terms of acquiring leads that have a higher likelihood of conversion. 

Cost per Opportunity 

Cost per Opportunity (CPO) measures the average cost of generating a sales opportunity or potential business deal. It represents the amount spent by the advertiser or sales team to create an opportunity that has the potential to convert into a closed sale. 

CPO = Total cost of creating opportunities ÷ Number of opportunities created

CPO is calculated by dividing the total cost of creating opportunities by the number of opportunities generated within a specific timeframe. The costs considered may include marketing expenses, sales team salaries, lead generation efforts, or any other related expenses. 

CPO provides insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of lead generation and sales efforts in terms of creating opportunities that have the potential to drive revenue. By tracking and analyzing CPO, businesses can evaluate the cost-effectiveness of their sales and marketing initiatives and optimize their strategies to improve opportunity generation. 

Customer Acquisition Cost 

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) calculates the average cost of acquiring a new customer. It represents the total investment made by a company in sales and marketing activities, divided by the number of customers acquired within a specific period. 

CAC = (Cost of sales + cost of marketing) ÷ New customers acquired 

CAC is calculated by summing up all the expenses associated with acquiring customers, including marketing campaigns, advertising costs, sales team salaries, overhead costs, and other related expenses. The total cost is then divided by the number of customers acquired during the same period. 

CAC provides valuable insights into the cost-effectiveness of customer acquisition efforts and helps businesses evaluate the efficiency of their sales and marketing strategies. By tracking and analyzing CAC, companies can measure the return on investment (ROI) for acquiring new customers and make informed decisions about budget allocation and marketing optimizations. 

X. PPC for B2B: The Conclusion

PPC advertising is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance a B2B company's growth marketing strategy. By leveraging the targeted nature of PPC campaigns, you can effectively reach your desired audience and drive qualified traffic to your website.  

The ability to track and analyze the performance of PPC campaigns in real time provides valuable insights for optimizing ad spend and maximizing ROI. With its flexibility, scalability, and measurable results, PPC advertising offers businesses of all sizes the opportunity to achieve their marketing goals and drive growth.  

Looking to harness the full potential of PPC advertising to boost your online visibility, generate leads, and increase conversion? Get in touch with a team that can help you implement a well-structured PPC strategy in just 30 days.