Maryland Marketing Services at a Glance


Marketing Strategy

Build detailed buyer personas and create a plan to deliver both long-term and short-term ROI.



Content Creation

Deliver conversion-optimized content paired with creative design to help you stand out from the competition.


Paid Media

Plan, produce and manage PPC campaigns across all key B2B media touchpoints and optimize them daily.



Combine technical and content SEO strategies to improve your rankings and drive more organic traffic.


Data Analytics

Capture, analyze and action complex data to enhance marketing performance across every platform.



Align your sales and marketing processes to prioritize revenue and generate more profit.


Get the ROI You Deserve with a Local B2B Agency 

B2B marketing is a complex process that takes sustained attention to produce meaningful results. But big multinational agencies focus their energies on servicing their highest paying clients. And if they don’t have a local office, you will struggle to hold them accountable for their performance. 

Our Maryland digital marketing agency gives you large agency expertise combined with the shared cultural language and accountability of a local player. We develop detailed strategies based on deep research and execute them flawlessly to generate unparalleled ROI. 


74% Increase in Organic Traffic


Increase in Organic Traffic

Nick Peddle-modified

"I have so many positive things to say about working with ProperExpression! The first is that they deliver actual results."

Nick Peddle
Head of Demand Generation


We Serve Maryland B2B Brands Across Multiple Industries



We help SaaS brands find new audiences, increase conversions and boost MRR by 65%. 


Professional Services

Our professional services clients increase trust and loyalty while generating 384% ROI on ads. 


Healthcare Software

Healthcare software brands in Maryland can expect our agency to build their authority and generate $455k in new revenue.

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Fintech brands come to our agency to help them stand out, grow their audience and achieve higher ROI. 



We leverage industry expertise to help eLearning brands in Maryland create multichannel campaigns that generate $7 million in new revenue. 



Our cybersecurity clients increase urgency, expand their audience and see a 74% increase in organic traffic.

You'll be in good company!

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Turn Research into Revenue with the Perfect B2B Marketing Strategy 

While 74% of B2B marketers set goals and 90% have a content marketing strategy, most brands fail because their marketing isn't built on the right foundations.  

We begin every engagement with rigorous research to understand your products, competitors' business models and buyers. Based on our analysis, we turn that research into a comprehensive marketing strategy that ensures you speak to the right buyers at the right moments - and generate more revenue faster. 

Our proven method: 

  • Map your ideal marketing funnel to create a seamless end-to-end process
  • Build detailed buyer personas using a wide range of customer data and competitor analysis
  • Create a clear strategy to reach ROI faster while also building the foundations for effective long-term marketing


Combine Persuasive Messaging with Irresistible Visuals   

The most successful B2B companies spend 40% of their marketing budget on content. But how do you ensure every cent of that investment produces a strong return? 

Our Maryland marketing agency provides in-house experts in B2B copywriting and design to ensure every piece of content you produce captures attention, drives engagement and results in the desired buyer action. 

Our proven method: 

  • Develop detailed messaging frameworks that form a reliably effective foundation for consistent content marketing
  • Create content in a variety of formats, from SEO blogs and long-form articles to white papers and complete website rewrites
  • Test, track and optimize every piece of content we produce to ensure we use only the most effective copy and the most popular design elements


Generate Exceptional Results Without the Daily Stress 

Successful paid campaigns across Google Ads and social media demand careful daily management. But most B2B brands in Maryland are too busy to manage daily budgets, optimize keywords and worry about PPC bidding strategies.  

Our paid media experts take the burden off your shoulders, running every aspect of your campaigns - from setting up the relevant accounts to overseeing daily management and optimization.  

Our proven method: 

  • Undertake extensive competitor analysis and keyword research to develop the perfect strategy to meet your brands’ revenue goals
  • Create all of the copy and design elements for every campaign and manage daily execution
  • Constantly analyze performance data to locate new opportunities and optimize campaigns to maximize ROI


Gain Total Clarity on Your B2B Marketing Performance  

Everything your brand does online is trackable, but most companies struggle to turn their data into actionable insights. Our data and analytics experts solve that problem and put data at the heart of everything we do. 

We deliver detailed insights into the performance of every campaign and individual piece of content, helping you track KPIs and keep our Maryland digital marketing agency accountable for ROI. 

Our proven method: 

  • Undertake extensive research and consultations to identify the KPIs that matter most to your business
  • Align and integrate your CRM and third-party tools to create a single source of truth for every aspect of your marketing
  • Provide easy-to-use dashboards and constant assistance to ensure you can always access the marketing and sales data you need

Generate More Revenue & Higher ROI with a Maryland Digital Marketing Agency

Katie (1)
"They were quick to learn about our industry and create content that our clients wanted to read. Our industry can be difficult to understand but they "got it" right away. The whole team was knowledgeable, organized, dependable, and above all, fun to work with."
Katie Bartels
Marketing Coordinator, Justin Bradley