Empowering Your RevOps Strategies with HubSpot

Published on: | Updated on: | Trisha Miles

Companies that deploy RevOps strategies grow revenue 3x faster than those that don't. 

Revenue operations, or RevOps, has been increasing in popularity with B2B companies over the last few years because of its potential to transform a business into a revenue machine. 

But as with most marketing efforts, predictable revenue growth through RevOps is impossible without the backing of a proper strategy.  

Read on for a recap of all things RevOps and how to quickly implement the best RevOps strategy to tap into the full potential of this effective methodology. 

What is a Revenue Operations (RevOps) Strategy? 

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is all about aligning and optimizing the functions of sales, marketing, and customer success within a business to drive predictable revenue growth and improve overall performance

A RevOps strategy provides a roadmap for breaking down silos between departments, encouraging all teams to take responsibility for revenue, and fostering collaboration and alignment across the entire organization. 

The primary goal is to create a unified and seamless customer experience throughout the buyer’s journey, from prospecting and lead generation to customer acquisition, retention, and expansion. 

How to Create an Effective RevOps Strategy 

The key components of a RevOps strategy include: 

  1. Process Optimization: RevOps streamlines and improves processes across sales, marketing, and customer success teams. This involves mapping the buyer’s journey, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing efficient workflows. 
  2.  Tech Stack Integration: A critical aspect of RevOps is integrating different tools and technologies that sales, marketing, and customer success teams use. This integration enables seamless data flow and promotes team cohesion, allowing for a holistic view of the customer and enabling better decision-making. 
  3. Data  Analysis: A RevOps strategy emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making. RevOps focuses on centralizing data from various sources,   such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms,  customer support tools, and beyond so that organizations can conduct a full-picture analysis of data and gain valuable insights to optimize their revenue generation efforts. 
  4. Performance Measurement and Reporting: RevOps involves establishing agreed-upon key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness of revenue-generating activities. By tracking and analyzing the same metrics across departments and teams, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize revenue operations. 
  5. Team Collaboration and Communication: RevOps breaks down departmental silos and encourages cross-functional collaboration and communication. This ensures that teams work together towards common revenue goals, share insights and best practices, and collectively address customer needs in a way that shows leads consistency. 

What is RevOps Software? 

With so many moving pieces in a successful RevOps strategy, many B2B companies turn toward RevOps software to support and execute their revenue vision. 

RevOps software solutions are specifically tailored to enable cross-functional collaboration, streamline processes, and provide insights for revenue optimization. The software typically integrates with other systems and tools to create a seamless tech stack.  

It may include performance measurement, reporting, workflow automation, data analytics, and communication features, empowering businesses to align their sales, marketing, and customer success functions for scaled revenue growth and improved operational efficiency. 

The Key to Success: HubSpot RevOps 

Many RevOps tools are available, but through our team’s collective decades of revenue-generating experience, we’ve found that one software undoubtedly takes the cake: HubSpot 

HubSpot has it all, from a robust CRM to sophisticated automation, making it easy to enable your RevOps strategy while overcoming common adoption challenges. Some of HubSpot’s best RevOps features include: 

CRM Software 

HubSpot's CRM is designed to help businesses effectively manage customer relationships and streamline sales processes. It offers many features and tools that enable companies to organize, track, and nurture their leads and customers. The CRM features: 

  • A contact management system (CMS): Store and manage all your customer data in a centralized database, making it easy to access and update information. Users can view contact details, track interactions, and record important notes and sales activities. This comprehensive view of customer information lets you personalize their communication and provide a better customer experience. 
  • Sales pipeline management: Gain a visual representation of the sales process, which allows you to track deals from initial contact to closing. Users can create customizable stages, set reminders, and assign tasks to team members, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. This streamlined approach helps businesses prioritize leads, identify bottlenecks, and improve overall sales efficiency. 
  • Email tracking and templates: Send personalized emails, track open and click rates, and gain insights into customer engagement. It also integrates with other HubSpot tools, such as marketing automation and customer service, which gives you a holistic view of the buyer and customers' journeys. 

HubSpot's CRM makes executing your RevOps strategy simple. You can enhance customer relationships by providing a complete view of interactions and enabling personalized communication. Your sales teams can stay organized and focused, and a seamless data flow will exist between departments, so you can deliver a consistent and cohesive customer experience that impacts that bottom line – which is what RevOps is all about! 

Marketing & Sales Automation 

HubSpot's marketing automation capabilities empower businesses to automate and optimize their marketing efforts throughout the customer lifecycle with features including: 

  • Lifecycle stage management: Define and track a lead's stages, from the initial awareness stage to becoming a customer. By automating the movement of leads between stages based on predefined criteria, you can deliver the right messages to the right audience at each stage, nurturing leads toward conversion with minimal effort. 
  • Deal stages: Represent the different steps in the sales process, from initial contact to closing a deal. You can automate deal stage updates based on predefined actions or criteria to easily track and manage the progress of each deal. This automation helps sales teams stay organized, prioritize deals, and take appropriate steps to move deals forward. It also provides valuable insights into the sales pipeline, allowing businesses to identify bottlenecks and optimize their sales processes for better results. 

Marketing automation in HubSpot saves all departments time and effort by automating repetitive tasks, but it also does so much more. With automation, you can deliver personalized and targeted messages to leads and customers, ensuring that leads receive relevant content and information at each funnel stage. So, whether a lead is handled by marketing, sales, or, eventually, customer service, they receive cohesive messaging throughout, leading to improved conversions and scalable growth.  

Full-Funnel Reporting 

Your RevOps strategy is nothing without a way to track performance and return on investment (ROI). HubSpot's full-funnel reporting is a comprehensive analytics feature that provides a holistic view of the funnel, from initial lead acquisition to customer conversion and beyond. Some key features include: 

  • Detailed campaign tracking: Track and measure the performance of marketing campaigns at each stage of the funnel. This includes metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and customer acquisition cost (CAC). By having visibility into the entire funnel, you can identify which marketing channels, campaigns, or tactics are most effective in driving results and scale them. 
  • Attribution model: Attribute revenue and other key metrics to specific marketing activities or touchpoints along the customer journey. This helps businesses understand the impact of different marketing and sales efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies. By accurately attributing revenue, companies can allocate their marketing budget more effectively and focus on activities that generate the highest return on investment. 


HubSpot's full-funnel reporting is crucial in executing a RevOps strategy by providing valuable insights and facilitating collaboration between marketing and sales. Reporting increases visibility for all teams, establishes ROI clarity, empowers data-driven decision-making, and keeps everyone aligned on and aware of revenue and growth goals, no matter what department they’re in. 

6 Steps for Setting Up RevOps in HubSpot 

Implementing RevOps in HubSpot doesn’t happen overnight, but you can get started by following these six basic steps

  1. Clean, migrate and visualize your data  
  2. Define your lifecycle stages and lead statuses 
  3. Establish your method of measurement 
  4. Map out the buyer's journey 
  5. Create your automated workflows 
  6. Continuously optimize your HubSpot 

RevOps Strategies: The Conclusion 

By 2025, 75% of the highest-growth companies in the world will deploy a revenue operations model.  

And it’s no surprise why. RevOps moves away from traditional organizational siloes to create a cohesive end-to-end customer experience that drives conversions. Choosing the right RevOps software to execute your plan is critical to successfully adopting RevOps and promoting revenue growth across all departments.  

Looking for a marketing agency that specializes in developing and executing a revenue-generating RevOps strategy for B2B? Get in touch today. 

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