Marketing and Sales Alignment: How to Enhance Communication Between Your Two Teams

Published on: | Updated on: | Trisha Miles

You’ve got a great idea, a team of professionals, and a reasonably clear path to market. The only problem is, your marketing team seems to be working with a completely different set of materials than your sales staff. You can’t seem to get the two teams on the same page.

Sales and marketing alignment is a bigger problem than you might think. Solving it could have enormously positive impacts on your business. If you haven’t explored the benefits of sales and marketing alignment within your market, now is the time.

Keep on your toes

In an editorial for Forbes, Kaspien CEO Kunal Chopra explains that, in today’s market, the only companies that survive are the ones that remain agile. “Agility is a social process,” writes Chopra. “It comes from how individual employees and teams operate on a day-to-day basis.”

That daily communication isn’t just about speed. It’s about purpose and cohesion. That’s where your business’ alignment comes into play.

marketing and sales alignment

Success starts at the top

The head of the sales team and the head of marketing need to work together and communicate actively. Remember, everyone is working for the same goal. It’s critical to establish a partnership between one team and the other, starting from the top down.

As the Houston Chronicle relates, frequent, positive communication makes it far easier to accomplish marketing and sales alignment. Conversations and strategy meetings between teams get everyone on the same page, working with increased efficiency.

Make sure the sales alignment strategy is clear

Sales and marketing teams can get off on the wrong foot because the overarching goals of the company aren’t made apparent. After all, it’s impossible to work toward a collective goal when that goal isn’t obvious.

Who is your customer? What makes your company different? What strategies are in place to showcase those differences to the client?

The answers to the above questions shouldn’t be a secret. Answer them and let people know, so your employees have a universal foundation from which to operate.

Knowing your objective allows your marketing team to construct better materials, and it provides your sales team with the background they require to best deliver your product to market.

marketing strategy

Mix and match

One surefire way to improve marketing and sales alignment is to make sure both teams are working in tandem. Perhaps it’s a good idea to send a marketing rep along to a sales meeting. You could also inquire for a salesperson’s insight on a recent batch of marketing materials.

These strategies provide a two-fold benefit. First, it spreads accountability across teams.

The marketing team isn’t solely accountable for hitting deadlines. The sales team isn’t solely accountable for sales numbers. Both teams are accountable for delivering a cohesive product to clients and building long-term relationships.

Second, having your marketing and sales team members work together consistently creates cohesion among your brand. If every team member sees the product experience at every level, they can do their job from a more informed standpoint.

Tip of the iceberg

Those are only the basics of ensuring the relationship between your sales and marketing staff is strong. At Proper Expression, we’ve built a reputation helping various companies use that foundation as a springboard to success. Optimize your go-to-market strategy by enhancing communication between your sales and marketing teams. Request a free audit today!
