Optimizing Your Software Review Site Profiles for Better Brand Awareness

Published on: | Updated on: | Trisha Miles

Did you know that 59% of B2B buyers prefer doing online research on a product rather than speaking to a sales representative?1 

When SaaS consumers research a product, software comparison websites like G2, Capterra, TrustRadius, and more are usually the first results they see on search engines. 

Review platforms dominate search results for a reason. They allow software buyers to compare different product options before deciding to pursue a specific solution, so it’s critical for B2B SaaS companies to create detailed profiles that raise brand awareness, drive demo requests and make the most of the organic traffic to these sites. 

Read on to understand why software review sites matter so much in the B2B space and how to ensure your profiles on the sites are optimized for conversions. 

What is a B2B Software Review Site? 

A B2B software review website is an online platform where prospects in the discovery phase can find information, read reviews and sift through recommendations about different software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions.  

Over 30,000 SaaS companies exist worldwide, serving millions of consumers. Review websites serve as the first line of defense for buyers looking to explore solutions to make informed decisions about the tools and services that might best serve their particular needs.2

With so many solutions to explore, software buyers at the top of the SaaS marketing funnel rely on user reviews, pricing comparisons, and other review site features to narrow down which products might be the best options.  

Most comparison sites provide must-know information for prospects exploring what’s out there, including: 

  • Software categories and lists: These websites provide a comprehensive directory of B2B products, categorizing them based on their functions and the industries they serve. Users can browse, filter and search for software solutions that align with their business requirements.  
  • Vendor profiles: Each software product listing typically includes information about the vendor or developer, pricing details, contact information and links to the vendor's website. Profiles let users get a feel for vendors and directly connect with software providers. 
  • Reviews and ratings: Software comparison websites collect user-generated reviews and ratings from businesses that have used specific products. These reviews often include detailed insights into the software's features, performance, usability and customer support. Users can rely on these reviews to gauge the effectiveness of a particular software solution. 
  • Comparisons: Many B2B review websites allow users to compare multiple software products side by side based on pricing, reviews, capabilities and product pros and cons. This feature helps businesses evaluate different options side-by-side and find the one that best suits their needs.  
  • Expert analysis: Some websites provide expert reviews and analyses by industry professionals or in-house experts. These insights can offer a deeper understanding of the software's capabilities and its suitability for specific business use cases. 
  • User community: User communities or forums are often hosted on B2B software review websites as a place where businesses can ask questions, share experiences and seek advice from others who have used a specific product or faced similar challenges. 

Software review sites provide information for potential customers looking to make informed decisions on which SaaS product will help further their goals within their budget. So, having a profile and presence on some of the leading comparison sites is a critical marketing move for SaaS companies to ensure your brand is top of mind for consideration. 

Top 4 Best B2B SaaS Review Sites 

If you type “B2B software comparison sites” into the Google search bar, you’ll be met with nearly 40 million results. Many are review sites themselves, while others are listicle articles highlighting the best review sites.3

With an overwhelming number of options out there, we recommend starting by creating a profile on four of the largest, most mainstream sites that garner significant traffic: 

1. Capterra 

The free website Capterra boasts over 2 million verified reviews, over 100,000 solutions, and over 900 software and service categories.4 

Known for its easy user experience, Capterra often ranks high on Google’s search engine result page (SERP) because of its active community and relevant vendor profiles. Users can write reviews, speak on message boards, and get side-by-side comparisons of whatever tools they pick. 

Vendors can create a free listing and move to different tiers with more advanced features for an additional cost. Capterra also offers live, expert guidance and recommendations, so its interactivity is a significant draw to prospects. 

Capterra also offers paid solutions, which lets you boost your profile to appear at the top of relevant categories and lists. Additionally, the site runs a free review program for you; they’ll reach out to the list of customers you provide and offer a digital gift card to incentivize reviewers. The low lift effort yields great results and will improve your profile’s ranking in organic search results. 

2. G2 

With over 2 million reviews and nearly 2,000 categories available, G2, founded in 2012, uses its unique research methodology to help buyers make informed purchasing decisions without overly relying on expert analysis.

Like Capterra, G2 is free at the most basic level, but you can unlock even more features to further optimize your profile for a cost. 

The website, one of the largest in the SaaS review space, makes it easy for vendors to create a profile, reach more people, and for users to write reviews. It also offers deals on SaaS pricing and G2 Track, a paid tech stack tracking, management, and optimization service. Additionally, G2 has a very engaged community of users who share thoughts and experiences on different solutions. 

3. TrustRadius 

Founded in 2012, TrustRadius relies on an SEO-driven, organic approach to generate highly relevant traffic to its site, making it an excellent place for SaaS companies to create a profile.

With over 500 categories and nearly 600,000 reviews, TrustRadius is smaller than Capterra and G2, but its in-depth, verified reviews make it ideal for mid-sized to large companies looking to make significant buying decisions based almost entirely on other users. 

Like G2 and Capterra, TrustRadius has an engaged community of users and doesn’t accept any payment to influence results, so reviews genuinely reflect the reality of the consumer's pain points and experiences. 

4. Trustpilot 

In contrast to the other three review sites, Trustpilot, founded in 2007, is primarily geared toward business-to-consumer (B2C) but still relevant to B2B companies that serve both businesses and individual consumers.

With more than 20 top-level categories, and over 150 second-level categories, and thousands of third-level categories, Trustpilot enables granular searching through its free plan and Standard Plan. Their review-first model is designed to help users share experiences and vendors attract new customers. 

The website clocked over 46 million reviews in 2022 alone and claimed that 71% of U.S. consumers surveyed that year agree that a good Trustpilot score makes them more likely to buy from a brand. 

If you’re a SaaS company that serves both B2B and B2C audiences, having a profile on Trustpilot is a must. 

OptimizingYour B2B Software Review Site Profile 

Most software review sites let you create an initial profile for free, allowing you to strategically and accurately represent your product and brand in a way that best appeals to prospects in the discovery phase. You can and should customize your entire profile with:  

  • Logo: Include a high-resolution company logo as a prominent part of your profile. 
  • Images and Videos: SaaS products can be complicated, and prospects want a clear understanding of how they work. Including product images, videos, and walkthroughs helps illustrate how your solution benefits users.  
  • Description: Your product description is the best place to create a clear, accurate, and targeted summary of what your solution does and its unique value propositions. You can also include relevant keywords, especially on SEO-driven review sites like TrustRadius.   
  • Features: Show your differentiators compared to your competitors and prove to prospects that you check the boxes for all their needs with a comprehensive list of your product’s capabilities. Pricing: Your review site profile isn’t the place to be vague about pricing. Prospects seek out and appreciate precise numbers, so including different pricing tiers is imperative for your profile. 
  • Category: Review sites have many different categories and sub-categories, so make sure you’re listed in the accurate categories. For example, if you offer email marketing software specifically for Human Resources departments, your solution should be listed under those and any other relevant categories.  
  • Reviews: Your happiest customers are also your best advocates.  Leverage current customers to leave reviews by launching an email campaign, including “leave a review” buttons in your content, or running review campaigns through your website. Collecting reviews doesn’t have to be complicated, and the more positive reviews you have, the higher you’ll show up in search results. 

It’s worth noting that many review sites have paid programs allowing you to pay to have your solution appear at the top of different lists. Whether you participate in a paid program or not, having a robust profile is vital for organic traffic. 

B2B Software Review Sites: The Conclusion

Software review sites are crucial in helping businesses make well-informed decisions when selecting the right software solutions for their specific needs.  

For SaaS companies, creating, maintaining and updating your review site profiles is critical so people can see if your product’s capabilities can help address their pain pointsand decide if your sales team is worth reaching out to. The more information and visibility you have in your B2B SaaS profile, the better. 

The expert team at ProperExpression helped one client generate 60+ user testimonials after a single review campaign. With our decades of combined experience enabling B2B SaaS companies to drive revenue through iterative campaigns, we can help you build brand awareness and increase net new revenue with minimal lift on your end. 
Ready to talk to one of our experts to discover how ProperExpression can amplify your B2B SaaS platform with innovative marketing strategies? 



3. https://www.google.com/search?q=b2b+software+comparison+sites 

4. https://www.capterra.com/ 

